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  • 【Introduction of GBAC STAR™ certified facilities ③ Fujiya Hotel (Kanagawa Prefecture)】

【Introduction of GBAC STAR™ certified facilities ③ Fujiya Hotel (Kanagawa Prefecture)】

The GBAC STAR™ program is a certification program that helps facilities and venues improve their infectious disease prevention measures through a careful multi-perspective review, conducted by multiple infectious disease professionals. These professionals include experienced physicians and university researchers affiliated with the Global Biorisk Advisory Council (GBAC). 
Sakura International is an accredited agent in Japan and provide consulting services for certification.
In this third installment of introductions to certified facilities, we introduce a pioneer of classic hotels in Japan, the Fujiya Hotel in Kanagawa Prefecture.
The health and safety of guests and employees is always the top priority for the Fujiya Hotel, and now with the GBAC STAR certification, we are confident that the Fujiya Hotel will be able to provide an even more fulfilling and relaxing experience.
Please use Fujiya Hotel, a safe and secure resort hotel loved by celebrities around the world.

Fujiya Hotel Official Page

Now is your chance to obtain GBAC STAR certification.
For inquiries, please contact us at the address below.

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