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  • Sakura International participates in The Great Kansai Odyssey

Sakura International participates in The Great Kansai Odyssey

The Great Kansai Odyssey is a charity relay organized by our esteemed industry colleagues at The J-Team. The objective of this was to hold an event that various MICE industry stakeholders could participate in, with proceeds going to a local Orphanage and Food Bank. It also helps to create some team spirit for event industry members in Kansai.

We were joined by members from various hotels, venues and the Osaka Convention & Tourism Bureau in a course starting in Osaka and finishing in Kyoto. This mirrored a similar event held in Tokyo in September.

3 intrepid staff from our head office in Osaka completed a 2.5km course through Osaka Castle Park in 30 mins on a lovely Autumn morning. To ensure the safety of all participants the relay was fully Corona-compliant with social distancing, temperature checks, masks and even a hands-free air-baton changeover! (Photographic evidence above)

Sakura International is committed to SDGs and being a positive corporate citizen. Through participation in this event and our environmentally-friendly event activities we hope to make a small contribution towards a better society.